Apr 9, 2017

From “I Can’t” To “I Have”

How often do you hear people say “I can’t do this”? All too often, isn’t it? Now, time to be honest with yourself, how often have you said it. “I can’t” can be two of the most dangerous words in the English language. Those two words are a big factor in people being unable to accomplish anything.

If you find yourself constantly saying, “I can’t” you need to change your thinking. In many cases, “I can’t” really means “I won’t”. Think about how often you say that you can’t do something. How many times is it just a minor obstacle standing in your way, something small that you will not try to overcome? Often, with just a little bit of effort, you can get around these small obstacles, and accomplish something. Take a look at what is standing in your way, think of ways around it, and “I can’t” can become “I can”.

Now that you are starting to think “I can”, you need to move on from there. Certainly, it is better to think that you can do something than thinking that you can’t. However, “I can” can also be dangerous. Now that you think you can do something, that’s a good thing. So, now you can, the question becomes, why aren’t you? I can is a good step, but at this point there is just the belief that you can accomplish something. But belief without action is nothing. At this point, you need to stop saying that you can do something, and do it.

The next step is to think “I will”. This is where you take a hard look at what you want to accomplish, and start thinking about how to do it. Write out your goals, and the steps needed to achieve the goals. Spend an adequate amount of time planning what you need to do to accomplish your goals. Do not spend too much time planning, though. It is easy to get caught up in the trap of over planning, and over thinking. At some point you need to simply start doing. You need to start taking action on your plans.

Now, you have reached the “I am” stage. You have overcome the fear and inaction of “I can’t”. You have moved beyond simply believing of “I can”. You have made your plans in the “I will” stage. Now you have to look at the list of steps to reach your goals, and start taking action. Just take it one step at a time and move closer and closer to your goals. Other obstacles may crop up on the way. If this happens, don’t let it stop you. Step back for a moment, and figure out a way around them. Keep moving forward and soon you’ll find yourself at “I have”.

“I have” is accomplishment. You’ve overcome your fear, believed that you can do it, planned it out, and taken action. Now you are seeing the results of your efforts. You’ve reached your goals. Think of some areas of your life where you can apply this. Apply these principles to your life, and keep moving from “I can’t” to “I have”.

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