Dec 11, 2017

Weight Loss Tips

There are many overweight and even obese people in the world who really wish that they could lose a few pounds but for one reason or another never quite reach their weight loss goals.

Here are a few simple weight loss tips which just might help;

" Write it down - even on the bad days when you've had a moment of weakness and eaten something which has made you feel guilty - write it down. If you get into the habit of writing everything down you will really begin to understand what you are actually doing. You might be surprised at just how much you actually eat and how often you give in to temptation, only then can you do something about it.

" Don't ban all of your favourite foods - we're only human. If you like to eat takeaways then treat yourself every now and then. The best idea is to save up the calories and then you will feel like you've really earned the treat. Sticking religiously to boring food is a sure way to failure. You can also tweak many of your favourites with ingredients which make them lower in fat - replace butter with low fat spread; olive oil spray is another fantastic friend for those who are trying to lose weight.

" Stick a picture on the fridge - some people use a photograph of themselves when they were at their heaviest but that doesn't work for everybody. Others prefer something like a holiday photograph of somewhere they'd love to visit just as soon as they'll look good on the beach.

" As soon as you've dropped a dress size treat yourself to some new clothes - okay, so you might not have reached your goal yet and still have a couple of sizes to go but this will at least remind you of how well you've done and help to stop you from going back to your old ways and clothes sizes. Give your larger clothes away to a charity shop so that they're gone.

" Don't forget that losing weight starts in the kitchen and getting fit starts with exercise - but combining the two can really help to speed up the weight loss process. Don't get stuck in a boring exercise routine because variety really is the spice of life. Swim, walk, run, dance, go for a cycle ride, play tennis with friends, just do something.

" Don't beat yourself up about the bad days, and don't give up. Everybody has the occasional bad day but don't let that be an excuse to give in. If you start afresh every morning that will help to sort out that problem. Just for the record, everybody has bad days  . . . you are not alone.

" Measure things - not just your weight, but measure your food on the kitchen scales and the amount of alcohol you give yourself at home. It really is very easy to fool yourself and you may be surprised at how generous you are being with the portion sizes. Generous portion sizes equate to generous amounts of calories, remember that.

There are plenty of subtle ways which can really help you to achieve your weight loss goals - it is just a case of finding out what works for you.

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